Congratulations on your amazing new eyewear

Onlookers is a family run opticians supplying top quality prescription eyewear, the majority of which are manufactured on site in our own laboratory in Driffield.

Our lab is equipped with the latest in optical manufacturing technology, enabling us to produce spectacles to the very highest standards. Our skilled technicians have years of experience manufacturing spectacles for the optical industry. When it comes to your eyewear, we really are the experts.

Our practice includes 3 Optometrists, and 3 qualified Dispensing Opticians to help you find the perfect eyewear solution.

Our Optometrists

We currently have 3 Optometrists at Onlookers: Gemma McDermott, Liz El Jassar, and Nigel Hackett.

All are accredited MECS providers. This means they are registered to provide care for minor eye conditions such as red eyes, foreign bodies, sudden onset visual problems and more. The MECS scheme is NHS funded to help relieve pressure on GP practices.

If you require any of our services please call 01377 200040 and book an appointment.